Foreign exchange margin trading is a high-risk investment behavior, not necessarily suitable for each investor's needs, investment should be carefully considered investment objectives, expected benefits, financial situation and foreign exchange-related knowledge and experience. The general advice provided on this site does not take into account the subject matter, financial condition or demand of your investment. Investors should recognize and understand all the risks associated with the margin transaction and lose the balance of all accounts to change their lifestyle. Site site, text message or any other document, any content can not be interpreted as investment guidance. For any investment advice, customers should consult other independent financial advisors.
Market Commentary
Any comments, news, research, analysis, prices and other information posted on the market are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. We will not be liable for any loss or other loss (including but not limited to any loss related to foreign exchange margin transactions) arising out of or in connection with the direct or indirect use or reliance on this information.
Network transaction risk
The network trading system has a certain degree of risk. As the site can not control the strength of the connection signal, through the network to receive or send the path of the situation, the status of customer equipment or the reliability of its connection, so this site will not be online transactions in the process of communication failure Transfer or delay, or any loss, or expense (including attorneys' fees) arising directly or indirectly from any transmission or communication system or computer facility or trading software. This site has a management system and emergency treatment program to reduce the possibility of system failure.
Data accuracy
Of any data or content is provided solely for the purpose of assisting the trader to make an independent investment decision, and the site has the right to change at any time without prior notice. The accuracy of the site for the accuracy of the site has taken reasonable measures, but can not guarantee the accuracy of the information. So that the Site may not cause any loss or loss of any data or content or website that is provided directly or indirectly by the Site, or by any delay or failure to transmit or receive any instructions or notices transmitted or received Or loss is responsible.
Do not provide any business services that violate the relevant laws and regulations. For users, please follow the laws and regulations of your country.
Market risk and online transactions
Trading platform to provide precision under the single function, the site will strive to follow the customer's request for the implementation of the transaction price. While online transactions are time-saving and efficient, they do not reduce the risks involved in foreign exchange transactions.